How to Check if Sales Tax is Correct
The first thing that must be done to check Sales Tax is that Items must be rung up but not paid for. The recommendation is to do $100.00 of Open Food. Open Food is found on the Other panel.
In the following picture you can see that the Sales Tax is 7.5% as the Tax is $7.50 on a $100.00 Order.
Doing a calculation to determine the Tax is correct is advised but with Open Food this is easier to see. The next thing to do is to switch between available Destinations. For the most part these will be Dine In and To Go but depending on the location you may also have access to Drive Thru.
The buttons to change the Destinations are on the bottom toolbar. Below the red Delete button, you can also see the Location that applies to the current order. If switching between locations changes the tax, and it should not, or if the Sales Tax is incorrect, please let know. We will need to know the correct Sales Tax and which Destinations it should apply to.